Remembering to love me

Posted: August 4, 2014 in Pushing my buttons!, Rocks in my path, Wonderful Humans
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There is so much negativity in the world, so much abuse of power by those who are placed in positions of trust as well as sad and heinous acts, that sometimes my problems feel tiny in comparison. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel personal sadness or despair when betrayed by loved ones, when shunned for life choices, or when I’ve been stomped on by people who believe it’s their right in life to do so because of a position of power.

However, all is not lost. I’m working on taking back that “power” that I unintentionally gave away when I allowed others to set the tone of my emotions! How? Short of illegal acts (kidding…only a little but staying in the clear because I don’t want to be traded for “favors” in jail!), I am working on focusing on my emotions as I just go through and acknowledge what I’m feeling. Emotions are emotions, (deep statement, I know, I know, LOL) but to ignore our emotions and to fight them is to give the bastards power; to allow them to plant seeds and grow roots in your mind.

I believe it was Churchill who said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going”, meaning you have to go through it to get over it…Or something along those lines.

So if I can just get through the emotions with the initial stings and blows, I believe I will be that much stronger to take in the good, positive experiences, and in return, share that positive, optimistic energy with others.  Being a better me seems to always be the best way to make and form great relationships. While I may temporarily forget this, I’m reminded of it every time I take the plunge to try new venturess and take chances, stand up for what I believe in, and above all, when I remember to love and appreciate myself.

So here’s to hoping that as humans, we’ll find the good in the bad, share kindness even when it’s not afforded to us, share light, love, and acceptance wherever we are, even when the prejudice, bogotry and hate rain down on us. Maybe we’ll be that random, beautiful flower that grows from the busted up concrete cracks on a dilapidated and dirty city street, no matter how many boots tread on it every single day.

Own your power, emotions and above all, be kind to yourself and each other. We’re all just trying to get through, and maybe even excel at this thing called life.

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